Monday, August 13, 2012


After a long night's sleep in the hotel and a big breakfast at the restaurant next door, Keith, Alex and I set off on the 13-mile ride to Yorktown. Mom and dad followed in the van, stopping to take pictures and videos of us along the way.

At the Yorktown Victory Memorial, which commemorates the final surrender by the British in the Revolutionary War and marks the end of the bike route, we took various photos, some of which were recreating photos from 25 years ago.

I was glad dad and the others were there, but having dad there on crutches brought back how disappointing it was that we weren't able to finish the trip together. It really was bittersweet to be at the spot we'd been imagining for so long and have him be there on crutches. But the trip really is more than just the end, and the only part he missed was the Appalachians, which were wildly overhyped by the riders we met going west.

While Yorktown marks the official end of the trip, I'll be continuing back to Lancaster. I'll be following part of an Adventure Cycling route that goes from Maine to Florida.

After Yorktown, I backtracked to Chickahominy Riverfront park, giving me just over 40 miles total. Tomorrow I plan to ride back to Ashland and that KOA, continuing north from there.

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